Friday, 25 September 2009


Different cultures have a split views on how to treat women...(International Academy-> people from all over the world...)
For example:
Zimbabwe: Women have no right for inheritance.
Saudi-Arabia: Womens are not aloud to go outdoor, without being fully covered and accompanied by a male relative.
Nigeria: Women are stoned to death for adultery.
Pakistan: Women are killed when their behavior can draw the family's honor in doubt.

In Norway, my home contry, around 1000 woman who live at a secret address for fear of being seriously injured or killed by male family members. About 100 of them live in so-called code 6, which mean that their identity is completely deleted from all records.

«As a woman I can lead the worlds biggest organization for human rights, but I do not have inheritance after my father in Bangladesh.» And with these words, Amnesty International general secretary, in London in 2002, reflecting the opportunities and constraints for womens in the 21. century.
«Human are born free, and with the same dignity and rights.» says UN's declaration.
However you'll never find a country in the whole world, where theres no violation on the rights for humans, because of their gender.

The relationship between gender, discrimination and violations of social, cultural, economic, political and civil rights is unambiguous, overwhelming and universal.
For example, womans are working consistently more than the men are. Therefor womens servant less than men, because their work is undervalued.

In 2003, in Norway, where the equality struggle reached a very long, men earn 70% more than women, a clear indication that it's still a long way to go, to get the equal pay to be reality.
In the politician and economic power forums, woman are underrepresented.

A study from the World Bank tells us that constitutes violence against womens, between 15 to 44 year. Womens, not me ofcours because(say something), lives in a global health threat on par with HIV infection and cancer.

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